Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I've been away...again...


As you can see, I've been a bit busy.
Number One: I grew my hair out! Don't you love it?
Number Two: Me and my hair tried to save the space program, but the President wasn't having it. Sorry America.

But for reals...I'm really sorry you 3 or 4 readers that I have let down. I wish I was one of those bloggers that wasn't lazy. But I'm not. I'm lazy.
And I've been sewing sewing sewing sewing...
and now acting acting acting...
I've sewn some beautiful costumes for Hamlet and All's Well that Ends Well...
and now I'm playing Papa Bear in the Berenstain Bears on Stage.
I love you all...more soon!


Rabbit and the Duck said...

Love the hair!

Jennifer said...

You are such the coolest...Glad to be one of your readers..there's no stopping you!!